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FERAL HOGS FERAL HOGS are not a farmer and ranchers friend. Feral hogs are also known as wild pigs and Eurasian boar. Why are they a problem? Damage to Agriculture Risk to people Damage to cultural and historical resources Damage to natural resources Damage to property Signs of a feral hog Rooting or digging caused by feral swine in search for food can be extensive and cover several acres. Wallows are created by feral swine in moist areas in warmer months. Rubbing on trees often occurs after wallowing, leaving behind mud, hair, and scent. Tunnels and trails lead through thick vegetation. Tracks can easily be found in the mud near springs, ponds, and streams, Feral swine scat resembles dog feces and may contain acorns, grain, and the hair scales, or feathers of animals they have eaten.

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